Common Australian Skin Concerns

Loving the skin we’re in is an important part of feeling happy and healthful. When our skin is showing signs of stress, it may be an indicator that other parts of our body are under pressure. In addition to being our protective barrier to the outside environment, our skin is a secondary detox station. Our lifestyle and diet, stress, hormone imbalance, some drugs, alcohol, allergies, food sensitivities, bacterial, viral, parasitic and fungal infections can all potentially result in an accumulation of excess toxins and inflammation. Over time, these may contribute to the poor health of the skin and can cause symptoms like acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and more. A lot of us then become frustrated in our search for this miracle cream to make it all go away.

If you have recently been diagnosed with a skin condition, or have struggled with a chronic skin problem, you might need to appear at your internal health for the remedy. Addressing your skin wellness from the inside out can help clear up physical symptoms that may otherwise linger forever. The additional advantage is that with a well-functioning internal environment, you are certain to feel fitter throughout your entire body and mind.


Most commonly, acne is caused by either a bacterial or fungal overgrowth inside the digestive tract, creating intestinal permeability and increased toxic load in the body. Fungal infections can be quite resilient and difficult to deal with. Strict dietary changes along with antifungal treatments are the very best remedies for acne treatment. It’s necessary to get an infection properly diagnosed, as unnecessary treatment and the reduced levels of beneficial bacteria inside the body can make the condition worse over time. Nutritional deficiencies such as zinc and essential fats may indicate that the body is reduced in the protective nutrients for recovery, repair and protection against inflammation. Toxicity and inflammation may also be attributed to other factors, such as irregular glucose levels and elevated testosterone.


The most frequent causes of eczema and the related allergies are supplements sensitivities and inner permeability. Over time this creates a build up of toxins in the body, which may clog the detoxification and elimination channels. If the toxins and inflammation cannot be effectively removed, this can make an overactive immune response, which may lead to symptoms like asthma or seasonal allergic reactions like hay fever, or eczema. Dairy and wheat may be the key dietary causes, however in clinical practice I have found that a wide assortment of food can result in the aggravation of the symptoms, as can deficiencies in zinc, glutamine and essential fats.


Rosacea is a symptom of inflammation within the upper gastrointestinal tract. Among the most frequent causes of this skin condition is that the Helicobacter pylori bacterial disease, which if left untreated, can also lead to reflux and stomach and duodenal ulcers. Other risk factors include hypothyroid function, bowel toxicity, low-fibre diet, high sugar and fat consumption, long term antibiotic treatment, low levels of beneficial intestinal flora and food sensitivities may also contribute to the condition over time.


The internal drivers of hyperpigmentation may be diverse and include psychological stress, hormonal imbalance, allergies, autoimmune conditions and related inflammation, heavy metal poisoning and low levels of vitamin D. Deficiencies in antioxidants, antioxidants and essential fatty acids may also cause and lengthen hyperpigmentation. Treatment results are possible by enhancing these nutritional deficiencies and addressing another possible underlying drivers. Additionally it is important to avoid getting sunburnt to stop additional damage. Changes may be slow and slow so you’ll have to be patient in receiving results.

What’s the trick to clear skin?

The best methods to look after your skin may be misunderstood. There’s potentially a wider array of underlying internal factors, which might be impacting your skin concerned with your lifestyle and diet. Long term stress and nutrient deficiencies are a major driver behind the creation of skin issues. Topical treatments, hormone replacements, antibiotic treatment and anti-inflammatory medications may just employ a short-term solution.

Identifying the possible internal drivers of your skin condition can help to enhance your knowledge of skin health. Specifically addressing the inner drivers and enhancing your body’s primary detoxification stations and immune function with naturopathic dietary and lifestyle advice can help resolve skin symptoms and enhance health for the long run. Also consider visiting a dermal clinician to gain insight on your skin condition.
